Jeff Bresee

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Mansfield, Texas

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What I want you to know about me...

Drawing and writing.

Long and well has the pen been deemed mightier than the sword, but in my own life’s experience, it has proven mightier than the fiery darts of those demons that have ever lurked in shadows and sought my slow demise….even the demons of depression and addiction. Throughout my life, although I fought each day in the hope of freeing myself from these vises, I knew little but the debilitating blows of heartache and discouragement that accompanied each cycle of rise and fall. But then, as if the grand poet himself had decreed the course of time, a ray of light appeared before me in my darkest hour. That light came in the form of songs which inspired me to see an inspirational short story. Though I had not previously authored anything of significance, the story burned so brightly in my mind that I felt I must write it, and so I did. As I wrote, I discovered the one thing that I had ever been in search of…a foothold against my life’s downward slide. Something deep inside me awoke as I penned the words of the story, and when I had finished, I felt somehow changed. I felt good. I felt free. However, I also felt confused, not knowing what to do with the story. Then, as I sat reflecting on the whole experience, another ray of light shown and this time, a poem came to my mind, ‘The Mentor’. Again, I began to write and when I was finished, I could do nothing but muse at the strangeness of it all. As I sat pondering, a final thought came to my mind…“The poem will pave the way for the story”. Since that time I have continued writing and I have learned that but one modification was needed…“The poems will pave the way…" I hope you enjoy them.

My book, "THE HIDDEN STORY, THE POETRY OF JEFF BRESEE" can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other fine outlets.

Also, the short story can be found at

About My Navel


Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Dreams are born in moments of light, and they are fulfilled by the ability to remember that light while forging through darkness.


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17 years 24 weeks