Billions below, wandering, striving, yearning, seeking…

Is there a God?

Some fall…lost from view.  Some lost…searching.  Some search…searching still.  

Do any find?

A book…or is it books?  God’s books?  

Are they?  All claim so to be.

Religion…endless.  Churches…a sea of churches.  

Too much to comprehend.

Is there a God?  What is he?  In what form?  Who is he?  

Surely a way to know…

No way to know…  

No way to know?

Better questions.

Does God speak?   May I approach?  Will he speak?  

I feel to know.  I must know.

Pondering…how shall he speak?

A tempest?  An earthquake?  A fire?  No?  


He is not in these things.  

His voice…

Peace… warmth of heart.  Impression… silent, calm…a whisper.

A still small voice.

I have known all along…


…Jeff Bresee

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