One night stand vs. First Night

the shade of those eyes that look so un-judgingly upon me

in their reflection I find myself

Directions to the answers to the question of where you’ve been

for so long you have eluded me or I’ve eluded you

you’ve kept me waiting, I’ve kept you waiting too

feeling a little less incomplete,

in your gaze a little less broken, less asleep

Finding you is like discovering that song I never knew existed,

Composed but yet untitled

Such a beautiful melody your face is

We collaborate with the bridges of our nose

 A kiss on the cheek, a tug on the lip

Losing ourselves to the vibrant rhythm

Like the floor under a dancer’s feet that’s shifting

Just like a song, a soul gripping song

Prelude to the best part to come


The Soundtrack of our lives

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I love the comparisons with

I love the comparisons with is melodic. Great ending ^^

Let your teeth show