Gundam Pilots

Pastless Eternity

They have a mission

There's five total

But they can't do everything

They're only mortal

Except Heero

Who thinks he's God

And Trowa never smiles

He'll only nod

Duo is really hyper

He thinks Heero's nuts

But Quatre thinks

Heero's got guts

Wufei is the last

Who thinks women can't fight

But Heero's girl, Relena,

Doesn't think he's right

Zech also knows

Relena's theory is true

He's her brother

And no matter what you do

You'll rarely see him

Without his mask

I don't know why he wears it

So don't ask

The pilots all use Gundams

To fight against OZ

OZ is an organization

Scarrier than Jaws

But the pilots never surrender

They never capitulate

And whether they win or lose

Is entirely up to fate

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Do I even have to mention the whole 'not being high' thing this time?

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??? "not being high thing" what "not being high thing"??? you havent started smoking have you? hope not. neways, hope your doing ok. have a fun time at school. peace.