
1. Blameless Ennui

my body's cold

yet my head's on fire

the pressure building

higher and higher

soon I'll explode

into a million peices

my chest is aching

the pain so intense

still my brain is baking

and the storm releases

the tears pour down

covering my sorrow

and my cry rings out

into the 'morrow

a heart-renching sound

then silence ensues

leaving me cold and dead

with a void in my heart

and emptiness in my head

where nothing intrudes

Author's Notes/Comments: 

after my brake up

View ladyaryn's Full Portfolio
raphael's picture

dont let it get to you, he is nothing but a male. you can find them everywhere. find someone who is nice, kind, gentle, and capable of feeling.

William A Rivers's picture

Hate the fact that you felt this way, please dont ever let your heart be a void. It is the thing that makes you most special...