Bloody Kisses

Faceless Entity

  Her back arched against the pressure his left hand made. Her head was falling backwards and her cascaded down her back in soft golden curls. Her elegant neck shimmered with the teardrops that had run down her face. She closed her eyes now, the forest green pools covered by her long dark lashes. her face was void of any make-up, making it all the more beautiful. Her lips were slightly parted as she turned her her head to the side, offering her slender throat. She whispered 'Please Lazarus' and the man bent to kiss her graceful neck. His soft lips brushed lightly across her fair skin and she wrapped her arms around his neck and tangled one hand in his midnight-colored hair. His response was to exert mor pressure on her back and lift her off her feet with the strength in his arms as he placed wet kisses at the base of her throat.

   Braking contact for just a moment, he bent to pick her up and carried her to the nearby bed. Her hair splayed out on his white pillow and his body covered hers as he once more brought his mouth to her neck. He was just nipping at her skin, making her cry out 'Laz! Please, Laz, please.'

   Like a dark angel, he granted her wish and sank his teeth deep into her flesh. Before she could pull him closer, he lifted his head to wait for the blood to rise to the surface and gather at the two puncture wounds. As the two crimson dots trailed a path down her throat, he bent his head and used tip of his tongue to follow them back up to the wound. He was toying with her and she knew it. Wrapping both arms around his shoulders, she forced him to quit holding himself up on his arms and took the weight of his body on herself. As he collapsed onto her, he sank his teeth in deeply, and drank.

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41tulips's picture

I loved this poem! I love the subject of vampires. I think they're so interesting and erotic. Loved it. Good job.

Melissa Marina Flores

41tulips's picture

I loved this! I think vampires are so interesting and erotic. So this poem I especially liked. Good job.

Melissa Marina Flores

William A Rivers's picture

Very erotic, very descriptive, more story than poem. I like it, but only because I can see a good novel from it.

Mark Griffin's picture

nice prose. I would buy that book.

le Vamprie morte's picture

do you really think that our life is that...romantic?