
My chance to imprint

On this white sea

One sheet of paper

Spread out before me

What can I leave

For after I'm gone

One sheet of paper

Blank on into the dawn

So much has passed

Memories were made

One sheet of paper

And words will fade

An empty expanse

With so much to say

One sheet of paper

On my last day

A picture is taken

To speak what isn't said

One sheet of paper

For after I'm dead

No words were written

A thousand words remain

One sheet of paper

My memory it contains

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James Daniel Darr's picture

the title speaks about what the poem does i see no reason to change it. it is true what u write about after we are gone. only the memories of what we leave behind will remain. so perhaps we both should leave good impressions

Jessica Martin's picture

I think the title for the poem is fine. . .But if you want I will come up with something for you. . .