My grand father kept his truck outside the garage, it was a black Cadillac Escalade. Every time he was at his house taking a break from work, there was always a guy washing his truck, but he was not a usual car washer, he was the best one. The tires and rims were always shinning, no matter were my grand father go, no matter if that day rain or snow the whole truck was always shinning. There was a lapse of time when my grand father used to buy accessories for the truck, rims, chromed defense, tinted windows, but the best accessory he bought, was a set of special leather seats with his initials on them. That set of seats was very special; they had a very particular smell, no one ever enter to that truck without saying that those seats had the best odor they have ever smell in their lives.
I used to tell him to pick me up at my house, because I wanted to go for an ice-cream, I remember it was very fun for me, and at the end of the ride I didn’t want to go out of the truck. I loved the smell of the truck and the shape of it, for me there was no truck better than that one. At that time I used to tell my parents that I wanted a truck like that one for my eighteen birthday, they used to laugh every time I said that. One day my grand father took me and my two sisters to a five days vacation trip in his truck, I remember I was very excited siting on the front seat, it was illegal because at that time I was 7 years old, but my gran father didn’t care. We were driving by a very small town, when a group o kids throw a rock at us hitting the truck on the door, I remember I started to cry because I thought it was the end of the truck, but it wasn’t, my grandfather pullover and check the truck but it only had a little scratch, everyone in the car was really mad specially me. When we returned from the trip my grand father send the truck to the mechanic, it only took 2 days to fix the scratch.
After a few years, the truck stopped working so my grand father decided it was time to sell the truck and buy a new one.