The eyes dripped to the floor, while alcohol coursed through a blood stream. A telephone rang, but no one heard the sound, no one heard the plea. Ice built on floor boards, and blood turned toxic. A phone rang, and everyone heard; I love you, i love you, I missed you, i missed you. A heart drenched with fear moved to the desert, while the other moved along. Until a letter but no one could read. Water evaporated, and jets stalled, until a letter, and everyone could read; I love you, i love you, Imissed you, i missed you

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Wow. I really, really felt

Wow. I really, really felt this. I can't even call it relating because I don't know what I would relate it to, but I had to reread it before I could scroll down to comment.




If your mirror doesn't find you one of the most beautiful people it has ever seen, punch it and find a better mirror.