Reply To Election 2020

To call God weird is, in itself, a blasphemous statement.  Our Constitution may grant you the freedom to express that kind of blasphemy; the Judgment conducted at the Father's throne, where unbelievers are examined, will not recognize or condone or forgive the use of that freedom [cf. Matthew 12:26].

All powers that be, including the Presidential Office of the United States' Constitution, are ordained of God [cf. Romans 13:1].  To act in resistance is to draw damnation [cf. Romans 13:2].

God does remove leaders, especially for blatant disregard of what is right [cf. 1 Samuel 15:23].  He can remove kings, magistrates, and Apostles (of whom the Great Betrayer was one) from office [cf. Psalm 109:8b].  (Two interesting aspects:  this verse from Psalm 109 was quoted by Simon Peter when proposing an election to determine who should replace the disgraced, dangling and bowel-gushing, carcass-dead Judas as the new twelfth Apostle; and, during the term of President Obama, a group of local but "downhome" hilljacks prayed this Psalm in order to "persuade" God to remove Obama from office.  Apparently the persuasion failed, as Obama won a second term and served until the Constitution term limitation activated.)

All of the 38th chapter of the anonymous but sacredly inspired Poet's account of the life of Saint Job indicates God's precise administrative control of the forces of nature--and human beings, even those who disrespect our Constitution and the Rule of Law, are forces of nature.  These forces are not mysterious to God at all; and even we---even I, who blundered through eighth grade physics (mostly because Susan P---almost daily, in my direct line of sight, slipped her shoes off the most beautiful socks---and, sometimes, even, sheer nylons---beneath the flared cuffs of her bellbottom jeans)---can understand that all living force is based upon the element of Hydrogen or the fusion of it into heavier elements; and the nonliving is a manifestation of the Four Physical Forces, Strong Atomic, Weak Atomic, Gravity, and Electromagnetism.

As for using operatives, all human beings---even the worst; even those who believe God is an imagining---can be used by God to effect good results [cf. Genesis 50:20].  Even the great betrayer was a part of God's will; was, in fact, chosen by the Son of God, as He, Himself, declared [cf. John 6:70].

God is not a figment of my imagining.  He has revealed Himself through the Holy Prophets and Poets (i.e., David and Solomon; and Solomon wrote that delightfully erotic poem], through the Apostles, and most importantly through His Son Jesus Christ our Lord [cf. Hebrews 1:1, John 6:38 and 14:9, and Colossians 1:15].

To the best of my recollection, the brief essay to which I have replied was written by a person who claims to be without knowledge of God.  If this is a correct recolection and an accurate statement (and I state that as an if because I cannot speak for that person), the restraint expressed in the third and fourth phases of the first verse of Psalm 131 are, perhaps, instructive here.  I know nothing of Calculus or of Chemistry, so I do not make assertions of these subjects.  I have only about ten words of Biblical Greek, so I avoid proposing assertions about that most sacred language.  My degree in History is inferior to the two higher degrees, and therefore, although History was my chosen field . . . because I have failed, in over four decades, to obtain the higher degrees, I do not speak as an authority with sufficient credentials, especially if a holder of a Mastership or a Doctorate is within hearing distance.  I have abandoned the "downhome" faith of sectarian, mostly downsloped clodhoppers for the ancient Faith of the Orthodox Church because its credentials arise from Jesus Christ and His Apostles through unbroken succession, and because it promotes a theologically educated clergy, vested in liturgical robes, and not clad in bid overalls, ballcaps, and manure-kickers.  I do not presume to tell anyone about the object of their faith unless I share that faith; I should be shown the same courtesy.

Oh, and by the way, imagining has only one "m."  When I wrote my Senior Thesis in January (there's that month again) 1980, I was taught that the first and last sections of a thesis are the most important, and, while the entire paper should be proofread carefully, the first and last sections should be absolutely free of typos, misspells, and wrenched grammar.  Hmmmm . . . might be good advice to follow.

I welcome comments on this essay, provided that they do not descend to personal insult, to blasphemous remarks about the Sacred Scriptures, or to criticisms of the Orthodox Faith.  I will retain those comments that comply, and will not hesitate those that violate these simple rules for reading my essay.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have combed through this essay in search of misspells, grammatical wrenches, and typos.  I believe I have corrected those that I did find.  My use of the word "imagine" and its various forms refrains from doubling the "m" in the first sylable.  I do my prep.

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