Mother, I think the God of Abraham
(my ancestor---you taught me and my nurse
affirmed much) has been known in Egypt too.
I found some scrolls that someone tried to cram
behind shelves. Large seals---Pharaoh Horemheb's;
covered with dust, fly speckles, and cobwebs---
had been shattered, despite the priestly curse
written beneath the old Pharaoh's cartouche.
What I have read, therein, I hope is true.
Some other Pharaoh found God in the sun,
a single God who had no peer---not one;
Who, in the sunlight, through the sky's deep span
bestowed immeasurable blessings upon man;
blessings to men and women equally---
both high and low, Pharaoh and servant, free
and bound. His mercy is both vast and huge.
But, Mother, why did Egypt turn back toward
dead idols (that can neither hear nor see
nor care) and turned away from God, The Lord?
You pulled me from the river, and your very
maternal love gives me extraordinary
privilege as Pharaoh's grandson. But, this query?---
what is the answer?---sordid or sublime?
Why did this faith remain so short a time?