At Ephesians 1 And 2 [Repost]

"Old men ought to be explorers . . ."

---T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets, East Coker, V

Infinities of our Lord's Sovereign Grace

are vaster than the Cosmic time and space

that He provided fur us in Creation.

This Grace established us in sure Salvation---

accepted in God's well Beloved Son.

And the accuser knows He cannot raise

against us even the slightest objection---

through Grace, revealed to us by Jesus' Word;

which guides our Scriptural Faith's direction

is and shall be eternally secured.

The joy that this Good News soundly conveys

is the profoundest festal jubilation,

that brings our souls to highest exultation:

Biblical Faith is our jubilation.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

As I continue to age; as my health continues to be afflicted; and as my expectation of death draws nearer, I find that the concept of Grace---as explicated by the Apostle Saint Paul---has become far more precious to me than it was decades ago.


The poem alludes to Revelation 12:10 and to the assurance expressed in Romans 8.

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