@ 27.225 MHz: Avaloniad, 2; Sheer Are Lady Ariel's Stockings

My father sent for these, for me, from Cos---
real Coan silk, and sheer down to the toes
which are almost opaque in doubled weave.
Delivered by one of my father's ships
that ported here along its usual route;
and folded in a box of sandalwood---
each one, unfolded delicately slips
upon each leg and pulled up to the thigh
where ribbons keep them up, the way they should
remain.  At this night's banquet, I will wear
them, without shoes, and my "heart throb," Iolair
will struggle to control his blissful stare;
but even if he can, that will deceive
no one---for his desire sounds in each sigh
that comes from him, a lot, when he is close
to me, and I know what that is about.

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