Elegy For Many Victims Of The Soviet Union

Was the causes of the Party's prejudice
their jealousy and fear of Comrade Trotsky?
Yet Karl Marx's likeness, like Comrade Lenin's, stands everywhere---
Karl Marx, grandson (on both sides) of Rabbis.


Consider how Comrade Lenin could fondle a cat;
yet, during a Party comittee meeting,
find time to send four adolescent girls,

and a hemophiliac boy,

to their deaths at Ipatiev House, Yekaterinburg,
the house of so-called "special purpose."


Comrade Lenin's cadaver takes its repose
in a mausoleum all its own.
Babi Yar's earthier version
provides shelter to more numerous thousands:
seventy to one hundred twenty.


"Gotta wonder---that ol' Soviet policy,
"double-minded in all it's ways."


vir duplex animo inconstans in omnibus viis suis



Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Latin quotation is from the Epistle of Saint James, 1:8

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