Sonnet For The Late Poet, Geoffrey Hill

[after the final line of Hill's poem, "Funeral Music"]


Sir Goeffrey, was it wrong, at that poem's end?---

to place the anguished words, "'I have not finished.'"

But when the saved have been called to ascend,

they will find life---there---cannot be diminished;

and He who gave us life abundantly,

redeemed from this world's ceaseless calumny,

will give us, also, opportunity---

there---for fulfillment of our poetry.

Life here on earth is full of bleak cessation

(like the sapped strength lost on a thankless job;

or autumn husks around the shriveled cob),

but there a joy like unto a vacation,

in that most perfect, Heavenly resort,

will have rejuvenated our comport.





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