Sad, Saturday Morning, Outside Jerusalem

You handpicked Pilate to be a firm tower
of arrogance, and at the seat of power---
on pavement called, in Hebrew, Gabbatha,
you placed him for that single, crucial hour
of crisis, and the fool should have denied
the high priest's grim demand (from envy's pride
compelled) that Jesus should be crucified
with other criminals on Golgotha.
Roman justice (from the republic's time,
and not this Caesar's sour administration)
should have sent all the loud accusers packing
(having declared Jesus to have no fault;
and of their crooked charges, innocent),
and quickly bring, by force of law, a halt
to these proceedings.  But Pilate was lacking
the courage and backbone to squelch this crime.
Now, through this murder on a cross, Salvation
enters the world.  The Temple's veil is rent.
The wrath of God toward sinners has been spent.
The future meets the present in this gift,
and those once cast low find a lasting lift.
Jesus has gone to Hades to proclaim
redemption for believers on His Name.
Dim spirits, there, they now are brightening
with joy.  And, from the air, you hear them sing
a song given only to the redeemed---
so many that, before yesterday, seemed
condemned to second death's endless damnation.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

Scriptures on which this poem is based, in order of the poem's lines:
John 19:3; John 13:1; Matthew 27:28; John 19:6; John 19:17-18; Luke 3:1;
John 19:8; John 19:36; 2 Corinthians 6:2; Matthew 27:51; Isaiah 54:8;
Romans 5:10; Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:16; 1 Peter 3:19; Acts 1:42;
2 Peter 1:19; Ephesians 2:2; Revelation 15:3; Psalm 109:30; Revelation 21:8.


Several Christians I have met believe that the Adversary somehow engineered the events leading to and including Christ's Crucifixion, and took great pleasure in the apparent defeat represented by the lifeless body of a crucified man.  I disagree.  The supreme sacrifice of the Crucifixion had been in God's plan from before the foundation of our world.  The death of Christ on the cross meant the defeat of the devil, and the redemption of spirits in Hades.  Just as the devil attempted to tempt Christ from His Ministry just prior to its beginning, so he could not have welcomed the death that would mean the redemption of untold numbers of deceased people; and the living who are born again in Gospel faith.  

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