For all those who care
For all those who have stood by me
I thank you
I relieze now that love is not something 2 people shareIts not something one or another gives on V-Day
but love is friendship, hope and joy
You people know who your are
I thank you for helping me
For introducing me to new things
Here is where my words stop.
But my thanks and love will continue forever
Although I do adhere to my original opinion of "Gee he's kinda creepy", you have no qualms about letting it known that you're a creative individual. The only thing I can say is though, because it is poetry, and because it is something that comes from the soul, the heart, etc, treat it as so, and as such, write it like every word is gold. Don't write things just because "Well, these two girls hooked up and I'm stuck now", turn it into.. well.. poetry. It's meant to be romantic, and I can see you are somewhat, just.. well.. you're quite rough around the edges. I'm sure though, with time, you'll become quite good.
Remember, love is happiness and pain, all in one. You can't have one without the other, and for every spot of hapiness in love you have, you will have a counter, a losing streak filled with pain.