Flowing Waves

I am deep, like the sea

Feel me engulf you in waves as you dive further

And you'll see my heart's truest colors, so brilliantly

Let me wash away all the pain of the past

That threatens to break us and leave us feeling lost

Then let me pull you to my tides

Where nothing is there but everything that matters.

As the moon kisses my shimmery surface

See me enticing you

Wanting you to be enthralled

That you may never look again at another

Forever mesmerized by my mystery.

Wave upon wave, let me caress you

For I have dreamed of finding a dream

Of you, being swept by my currents.

Feel me warm as I hold you

In drowning waves that never cease to rest

Because of its deepest love for you.

Feel me strong and turbulent

As strong as the emotions telling each desperate wave

To never let you go, whispering my love, heartfelt.

And then wave upon wave, let me fall on you

Crashing surfs with ecstasy as I love you

Vast and giving, deep and dark

Immense, endless and liquidly intense.

My pain is deep, my love is deep

Always flowing with you

For I am the sea

Dive deeper inside yourself

And you'll find me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i want to be your ocean, your wave, your world everday. ^__^

View jaela's Full Portfolio
Terri T's picture

Really great imagery and language. Strongly reminds me of one of my own pieces, 'An Ocean.' Well done and thanks for sharing.
Terri T