Cock-sucking drowning woman

I had no where to go. If I pushed through obstacles you resented me, I learned that pushing and trying to solve problems led to conflict, resentment, guilt-tripping, disregarding my feelings, belittling my needs, demeaning my wants. You taught me not to push.

I tried to sink to your level, to make myself less than, as you wanted me to be. I learned how to diminish myself to a point of nothingness. I learned how to lose myself for you, to try to keep the peace and make you happier at the expense of myself.

All the while you guilted me telling me that I had everything my way and that you were the deprived one. But your logic doesn't add up. You were functioning, you were sleeping, you were able to breath, you were able to lie, you were able to fuck, you were able to live.

And even still you beat me down for not wanting you sexually, for not being in the mood, for being tired. You'd be tired too if you never drew a full breath, if you were always asking for air. It's like asking a drowning woman to such your cock after she spits out the water, she hasn't even gathered a breath yet and you want to steal it.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 06/26/12

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SSmoothie's picture

Whoa! And wow! Cheers ss 

Whoa! And wow! Cheers ss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

pldappls's picture

i really like this and the

i really like this and the title. esp the line 'you were able to fuck'. 5/5