chem world

I am who I am
please do not try to change, or alter me
with chemicals to my brain.

I am who I am am,
I'm wired the way
God intended.

I am who I am,
sometimes forgetful, often distracted,
But my brain belongs to me.

I am who I am,
I have the ability to discern, rationalize
and dream.

I am who I am,
and my dreams, and my mind
are my precious own.

I am who I am,
partly for the decisions I have made,
for better and for worse.

Please do not try to alter me,
with chemicals to my brain.

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Prescription for Physicians

I have this discussion with doctors once in a while - it should be illegal for doctors to have stock in pharmaceutical companies for ethical reasons - my brain and body belong to me the way God planned it! Yes. Just say no! ~A~