The Clock

Just one simple phone call,
Answered like any other day.
Except a voice full of fear,
Sadness and dread,
Occupies the other line as pointless thoughts weigh down my head.

Is this the end?

As a child I couldn't comprehend,
My family fleeing back and forth,
Or the loss of loved one just running natures course.

So as my short list of memories amplify inside my mind,
With the love you left behind, they're never too hard to find.

I never got to know you well,
As much as I could have hoped.
Yet when I think of how you'd be today,
The Beautiful Freak Star brightens far away.

Still missed as much as ever,
Even though ten years have dragged on.
The clock has ticked a million times,
And I still can't believe you're gone.

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The Rhyme vs. Death

The solemnity of the interior is not equal to a rhyme scheme that detracts and is sing-songy and happy lyrics-like. Form conflicts with content ~~A~~