My life is an adventure
A novel written not in paper
A never-ending journey
My life, like any other life
Is full of ups and downs
I can only stable myself for a while
Memories are but dreams
Like faint air blurring through my thoughts
It is sometimes hard to believe
That such events occured in my life once
It is quite unbelievable
And as much as I would love to go back in time,
To correct my wrong,
And improve my right,
I can never go back
Memories are memories
Intangible and gone
All I can do is accept
And live for the moment
Love what I have
Let go of what I don't have
And continue living a content life
Love and romance can wait
Someday I can focus on that
Though future is like past
Not physically there
My life is a novel on its own
Scripted by events
Directed by itself
Part by part
Volume by volume
To be continued...
it's a pretty cool piece of writing
Everything can be solved with the perfect mixture of puppies and kittens.