This is why we hate each other
This is why we cannot be together
This is why we can't stop back-stabbing...
You have scarred me,
I have scarred you
Deeply broken by each other's words
We are nothing with each other
We do not belong together
We cannot linger in each other's arms for a second
You are gone
I am gone
We are lost
Lost forever
We are trash
Left with nothing
We're to blame
You have destroyed me
I have destroyed you
You hate me
I hate you
We will never be the same
We will never smile again
Not to you, not to me
I liek this poem
And if u ever feel, add me to Yahoo,
Vampires dont have to go without seeing the sun. Psi vampires(energy vamps) can go in the sun whenever and however long, sanguinarius vampires(blood vamps)can be in the sun 29 minutes at a time or with ALOT of sunblock. xD i still perfer being outside at night tho