Jacey Hoff

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More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Poetry, Video Games, Chillin w/the Foos. oh yeah and the band "Deadfall Dynasty" is all my old school buddies. i love you guys!!!! try to get back together ok?

im 22. i am currently living in richardton. there are alot of people here and at home who have helped me out over the years, and most of all i thank BRYSON FOOS he's been the best.
Kelley Brown i owe you allot to, and just as much to Savanah Fahlstrom. and if it wouldnt have been for Braden Hendershot and Taylor Hruby i never even would have started in the first place. also courtney christianson for being such a wonderfull inspiration for happiness love and hatred and depression thanx all. and i would also like to thank chanel wojahn and courtny christianson (again) for loving me when no-one else would. i love you guys you all rock. and ashley if your reading my shtuff anymore you can go ahead and screw up however you so please. I hope my daughters aries, and elaina will follow me and my Beautiful wife sarah into the light of writing and expressing themselves.
when you read my stuff i hope you enjoy it, its mostly heart ache and suicidal but that only on my bad days other days life is good.keep checking back my work is inconsistant so you never know when ill have a new one on. peace

About My Navel

hey look i dont give a fuck what you think about it cause im one bad ass mother fucker and if you got a problem, then step up BITCH.....
nay though i walk throught the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil cause i am the baddest mother fucker in the GOD DAMN VALLEY

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

Im retarded not stupid theres a difference.-me
I cannot see you, you cannot see me.-me
If you are successful but have no friends.. youve failed.
But even if your poor and living on ravioli and spaghetti Os but have great friends youre the richest man in the world.-me
Ja Buns And Thighs.-Sponge Bob
I Should Buy A Boat.-Corky Ramano
Yes but can you dance?-Freakazoid
Eh Metallica we love you. -some russian dudes
I am cornholio.-beavis
An Army of ESKIMOS- mical saugstad.
sacrafice everything you know you love
your dreams inside you still cant give your self away
sacrafice everything you know you love
you miss the things you hated long ago.--Pulse Ultra
never fight the ugly... they have nothing to lose- sticker
it rocks my face OFF!- in the deep
paintchips and powerlines!- me
keep the gun oiled and the temple clean- some song
happiness is everything in life, as long as your happy nothing else matters- me

if you love someone then you shouldnt care what the f other people say about it. especially if you plan on marrying this person.-me
EVEN IN DEATH....YA?-Wakka\me
true knowledge resides in knowing that you know NOTHING!-Lao Tzu (i think)
WORD! to the midgets holding up the tiles in the male dorm eating spongecake!-me
Do you have a camel?- me
what is your opinion on americas inflation and its effect on third world economies?-doug
stop belittling people with your condescending statements to make your small already diminishing ego feel a little bit better.-doug

I'm gonna draw a picture
a picture with a twist
were the pencil is a razor
and the paper is my wrist-Natashalee Dubois
Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away. - Someone
girls dont like boys
girls like cars and money- good charlette
your kung fu is not strong like mine- RAT from the core


Member for
20 years 45 weeks