
I wish I had a better name

More unique

So when you called it in your sleep

I would know

You're dreaming of me

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S74rw4rd's picture

I cannot refrain from posting

I cannot refrain from posting a second comment.   This is one of the most poignant love poems I have ever read.  The unexplained back story adds to the poem's effect; and the brevity of its lines conceals a longevity of resonance as an aftermath or after-effect.  Back in the late spring of 1979, as part of my audit of an undergraduate astronomy class, I was invited to look at the rings of Saturn through the observatory at our University operated.  While I remember the intensity of my few moments at the eyepiece, and the sense of the nearness of Saturn that the telescope created, that image has remained very significant in my memory.  I predict this poem will have the same effect on many readers.  You have mastered the skill of compression and, I think, would be much applauded by J. V. Cunningham himself.  I really, really love this poem; I shall be re-visiting it more than once.


rachel's picture

How many wayscan i sayI am

How many ways

can i say

I am graced by your praise

Thank you


I honestly wasnt sure of the reception of this one. I despise many of my own poems, especially my love poems



S74rw4rd's picture

You should never despise any

You should never despise any of your poems; especially, love poems.  The poems I have seen are excellent, and do not deserve to be despised by anyone---yourself, or any of your readers.  Those poems of yours that I would define as love poems are among the finest I have read at postpoems; and, having been reading poetry since spring, 1973, and reading at postpoems since late 2001, I believe I have some credibility to support my statement.  


S74rw4rd's picture

How you compress so much

How you compress so much emotion and backstory into just a few lines is amazing---and that is always a sign of classic talent.
