Dear Sunday,
I can't believe it's been seven years
Sometimes I wish I could go back
And find you
And kiss you
And tell you it would all be alright
And that I love you
And I miss you
I told you I'd always love you
I don't think we left too much unsaid
But there's one thing I'm afraid I'll never get to convey
To truly let you know
Because the part of me
That spoke to the part of you
that listened-
It's been a long time.
The thing is-
Leaving you is the greatest regret of my life
And if I could do it over, maybe I would
quietly slip out the door this time
Instead of screaming at you
That I knew you never loved me
Because I've never told a lie like that
Before or since.
Our time together was short,
But it was the best time of my life,
All my love,
I believe that all lost
I believe that all lost love will be found
... if not in this life, then in the next life
or in the permanent bliss beyond embodiment
in limiting form
This remarkable unearthing of
This remarkable unearthing of what remains alive and gnawing at the heart after seven years shows the rare skill of deeply touching the reader with spare, honest and relatable language. Throughout the emotional spellwork there is a searing truth that speaks to us, directly and elegantly:
"And if I could do it over, maybe I would
quietly slip out the door this time
Instead of screaming at you
That I knew you never loved me
Because I've never told a lie like that
Before or since."
How could anyone read that and not have to catch their breath and reach for a tissue?
A very skillful handling of lived experience.
You have such a way with
You have such a way with words, and fill them to their fullness with poignant emotion.
Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]