Footnote: Before A Late Night Swim, You Have To Take The Plunge

Athletes' concerns---like style, endurance, distance, strength and form

do not apply now.  You think you will never more feel warm

again:  and this, itself, brings on a fierce, horrific panic.

Against the starlit sky, that huge, upright hulk---once Titanic---

is just about to break, and then plunge down

into the depth while, on this surface, you, and others, will soon drown.

Meanwhile, one of the few lifeboats, with all seats filled, convey

that chief executive of White Star Line, J. Bruce Ismay,

who will board the Carpathia, and sip hot coffee, with a swirling swarm

of thoughts upon his mind---what he should, or ought not to, say

when, safe on dry land, he must answer questions in a fray

of hearings, newspaper reports, demands for explanations,

with some implicit insults that become harsh accusations.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

With the Titanic in the news again, one must certainly feel how tragic, and absurd (in the serious meaning of the word) were the losses of life in 1912, and again just a few days ago.


The Titanic has had a peripheral contact with my life as well.  Some of my mother's Irish relatives in Belfast were employed in the shipyard of Harland And Wolff and worked as welders on the project.  And my first supervisor in my first corporate employment (February through October, 1981) told me that his deceased father, an insurance executive, had supervised continuing payouts of claims arising from the sinking; my supervisor believed that his father's early death, from cardiac arrest, was caused by the strain of worry created by the Titanic account.

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