@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; After Astronomy 100 (Introductory For Non-Majors)

"When we recline together, embracing, naked,

to enjoy, again, our bodies' delectations,

our souls exchange exquisite intimations---

monogamously homogenic, and utterly sacred."

---Cerulean Of Paphos On Cyprus, Eros And Ganymede At Troy, 

translated by Nizhny Novgorod

Long-haired, now shoeless and shirtless, clad in baggy

cargos, they understand their bodie's urgent need and

desire to be naked together:  the atoms of their flesh,

forged in stars' cores, need to come together, the

stars coalesce, or galaxies merge, in deep outer space.

No old prudes' and haters' prejudices can now prevent

this.  "Let's get naked" is a common phrase often

repeated and heard on campus.  And these two young men,

twenty-one and twenty years old respectively, have

learned that, being in Love causes them to be even

more naked than naked during the pleasures of intimacy.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I am indebted to the great scholars, Taphless Gibler and Mimsy Borogove, experts on ancient, Hellenic Poetry of the Ptolemaic era, for directing me to the source of the epigraph.  Vadim Stepan referred me to the translation.

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