@ 27.055 MHz: Ad Astra; Lovers In The Apartment (Off Campus) Next Door, An Ekphrastic Poem [XLIX]

He is a college astronomer, almost

forty-years old.  You, his boyfriend, have just reached

the age of nineteen.  Both of you had waited

patiently to comply with hicks' laws from the

state legislature.

Old prudes'---haters'---prejudices have never

altered the Love shared here.  He is home from work;

you are home from the day's classes.  Just inside

the door, two pairs of shoes have been eagerly

removed for the night.

Sprawled on the spacious couch, facing each other

(his white shirt and dress slacks; your mesh tee and jeans),

four feet, sheathed in dark socks with green stripes circling

the toes, embrace and caress each other in

this preface to Love.

Intimacy will be almost naked---socks

stay on---nuances upon that nakedness.

No inhibitions will intrude (having been

gone a long time).  You both agree:  Love is worth

that long five years' wait.


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