+ 1ST POEMS: Yet This Final Measure, 4, A Praise Prayer Inspired By 1 Corinthians 13:13

Lord Jesus, regnant Savior, I thank you for reaching from above

the Heaven of the stars, to me---despite my many fails---

to remind me, this very day, of Your Triumphant and Sustenant Love,

and that its goodness always, in every case and circumstance, PREVAILS!

Starwardized, an Orthodox Christian

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Before I could articulate this prayer as a poem, I felt it while listening to the great hymn, "The Church's One Foundation," especially its allusion to "them, the meek and lowly," that is, the Early Christians.

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patriciajj's picture

This song of praise erupts

This song of praise erupts with the purest Light and the pinnacle of devotion. Reading it lifted the curtain between my chaotic day and what truly matters. Powerfully scribed as only a humble servant of the Most High can do. What luminous refreshment this is! 


So sorry I haven't been able to be around much to give your work the attention and accolades it deserves. I'm delighted to see that you're still expanding on your vital contribution to real Poetry and to everyone blessed enough to be guided here. 


Keep blazing bright. 

S74rw4rd123d's picture

Thank you for this

Thank you for this superlative comment, and no need to apologize for anything.

I am still trying to catch up from several weeks being hospitalized due to massive dehydration.

Today, I had one of those "mystic moments" while listening to the hymn, "The Church's One Foundation" on YouTube.  It was like looking at a puzzle being assembled, I saw what I must do or change, and what I must omit.  I am still a little shaken up, but also very grateful that God reached across the Cosmos to personalize this day for me.

Starwardized [fka Starward]