Partiya Lenina, Sila Narodnya

Please tell me---even if the answer is a bit belated---

why every depiction of Lenin's face

(photographs, statues, busts; in Russia, all over the place)

bears the expression of one long constipated.


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the excrement of mass genocide


One can only be constipated when full of excrement. Communism is, and has always been, the excrement of mass genocide… be it Stalin, Pol Pot, or Mao Tse-tung.


The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, lays these facts to bare succinctly.

S74rw4rd123d's picture

Thank you, Sir.  And, always

Thank you, Sir.  And, always at the bottom of the pile of excrement, lurks the nefarious Lenin with his baleful glare and his insidiously bloodthirsty need for vengeance.  I remember reading one that the philosopher and socialist, Bertrand Russell, after meeting him, remarked at how delightedly Lenin spoke not only of brutal executions but of the immediate sufferings of those who were being executed.  I think it was as if the entire Soviet Union had been constructed by Lenin as his personal vengeance machine.  (And then again, having to wake up to Krupskaya's horse-face every morning must have further antagonized his mean streak.)

Starwardized [fka Starward]