He had the great arcs of the upper sky
within his eager, adolescent reach.
He knew the songs the night wind often sings
and how it stiirred his quite human-like soul
(although is body is a humanoid's;
not some brute animal's or bright android's).
All his emotions are, deeply, humane:
the joys we share, his sorrow for my pain,
his horror at the wreckage of my ship
(crashed here, most likely thought lost from the fleet;
no rescue sought---this place is beautiful,
like him). How easily he could just slip
away, to soar without me, to attain
those heights again. But no: with folded wings,
he stumbles on unsteady, tan bare feet
across the crimson sand of this vast beach---
with me---a wingless thing that cannot fly.
So much immersive drama,
So much immersive drama, atmosphere and enthralling fantasy is encapsulated here that I can't praise it enough.
Foremost, it is a ravishing story of unconditional, self-sacrificing devotion and acceptance that alludes to spiritual realities but manifests in the physical. The concept is explosively beautiful: an angelic yet humanoid being gives up the vastness, the bliss, the freedom of "the upper sky" (his very wings) where "He knew the songs the night wind often sings" and enters the care-laden world of a human . . . for love.
Your style, a light touch that relies on consuming slice-of-life emotions for its power, works miraculously against the entrancing backdrop of an otherworldly milieu. You knew instinctively how much to reveal and how to reveal it. For instance, lesser writers might indulge in lavish descriptions (I would be tempted!) while you knew that "crimson sand of this vast beach" was ambiance enough while showcasing the wonders of true "humanity" in the heart of a creature with folded wings and unsteady feet.
You've written many poems that I considered your best, but this, at least to date, might be the best of your best. Certainly my favorite.
Standing ovation!
You know how I love your
You know how I love your interpretations of my poems; each and every comment you make is precious, salutary, and instructional to me. But this one, of all of them, encapsultates and summarizes not only the poem but, I think, the purpose for writing poems like these and for launching them out there to cyberspace with the hope they will be read and appreciated.
And, with your words, you have shown that this poem has been read and appreciated. A comment from PostPoems' leading Poet is always an event, and I feel very privileged, blessed, and grateful that you chose this particular poem to read and to comment. Thank you so much, Patricia, for this kindness, and for your continuing friendship.
Starwardized [fka Starward]