To Kac(tus)Top Markc: Monday Evening, January 3rd, 1977

Yes, in the previous term, each meal, each day of the week

I took with you and your companions, all seniors:  together,

you and they instructed and reminded me whether

to listen carefully, or to respectfully speak

(advice I had not expected nor had come to seek).

You said that your rarefied personality

was offended (and, for that matter, quite shudderingly)

by my love for BlueShift, and our shared c.b.

To your pride in your taken (not given) and unorthodox name

(lifted from that Russian writer---to his, and your own, shame),

I offer these lines, spoken disrespectfully

to you who are only a parody

of the humane and the scholarly:

yours is a prose without those nuances that are poetry.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

The motive for the poem, after forty-eight years, is presented in the sixth through eighth lines.

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