Of course the Revolution is in danger
of subtle sabotage and rank subversion:
our friends may be as false as any stranger.
Nothing but a full soaking, an immersion,
in our foes' blood will purify the land,
and then, unchallenged, our Party will stand
forever like a tall, eternal tower.
a paragon of all the Soviet power.
Be sure you make a very thorough search
for counter-revolutionaries sent
among us by the vast Orthodox Church:
they may lurk in the poorest peasants' huts,
who set asides their vestments and their struts
to follow plans, cunning and serpentine.
Priests, bishops, deacons and misled believers
and all the fools who harbor such deceivers
(and you know just exactly who I mean).
The Terror we bring to them must be Red;
it must crush them with a most ghastly dread;
it must be felt, not merely heard or said;
more monstrous than the worst tales you have read,
relentless vengeance that could chill, with fear,
the man from whom I learned most---Robespierre!