


Fear is a beast.

A beast, who can take on many forms.

Many forms, with some in disguise.

In disguise, so that you may not see.


Not see it manifest itself.

Manifest itself as what?

As whatever it wants.

It wants to be felt within you.


Within you is what allows fear to live.

To live as a beast, to live as deceit.

As deceit toward yourself.

Toward yourself can be the cause for most of the harm.


The harm that is not always as present as day.

As day goes along to accomplish some goals.

Some goals get pushed back, farther away.

Farther away from becoming complete.


Becoming complete is not the sensation,

The sensation is fear, as procrastination.

As procrastination seems like the best choice.

The best choice is to take fear by the horns.


By the horns of fear that will try to steer.

To steer you away from your dreams.

Your dreams that can be achieved.

Achieved as easily as can be believed.





-The Inverted Subconscious

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I am in the buisness of changing the world. I just need a starting point. who is interested in being on of the first to like the page/ follow on twitter @InvertedS.

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