When I was a small girl
Everyone told me there is a god
Watching me, taking care of me
There were people around, but I was never afraid of them
We share the same god..
Years later when I finally believed them
The world around me started changing
Everyone told me to take care of myself
For we still share the same god, but the world around was not so good
Help me, save me from this world..
While I was still a small girl, They took me
Not aware of what will happen with me, I kept waiting in that dark room
I finally saw the light, but my body was not ready to fight
When I was screaming, They were laughing
When I was crying, They were still laughing
And when I was dying, They were living
Help me, save me from these scars..
My parents gave me a name
So I dreamt of getting some fame
They gave me a new name
Everything I had, They took away from me
Everyone I had, I don’t remember them anymore
For people around, we don’t share the same god anymore
Now I just share the name with people like me..
Help me, save me from these names..
When I was in school learning to draw a red light
No one told me if our gods will change,
The meaning of these lights will also change
In day I am a beggar, in night I am still a beggar
Help me, save me from these lights..
Whenever I am free, thinking about my life
Consoling myself, gathering my remaining soul
In search of the very same god
They come and say, forget everything
They are my god now
Help me, save me from these gods..
Freedom vs Control
Ultimately, you design your own red light, your own version of a God concept, and learn to dump the flotsom as irrelevant - growth happens that way. I liked this poem - thought provoking. "...we don't share the same god anymore..." is one notion for pondering a long time
growth happens that way??
growth happens that way?? would u like to elaborate?