Close My Eyes

i fight this urge

to be taken away

to give in to this calling



wants to take me away

bring me to a land

where i can do anything i wish

feel anything i want

where anything can happen

but nothing is real

where touch isn't felt

and words aren't spoke

it can be a beautiful place

flowers with wide open space

or a land of horror

smoke flames sorrow

a place where often you appear

and make my wishes come true

a place I often hope I'm in

when you are there at the same time

this world

I hope we exist in together

this place where we don't really know another

I'll barely remember

a place I long to go

but still I fight

why do I fight

let me go now

now I shall go

and I'll be on my way

once I close my eyes...

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Steve Whitfield's picture

truthfully, i came here because you look hott in that picture..but im glad i came......this is a really powerfull poem, sometimes we all feel like we need to get away and go to a place where everything could be perfect for even the shortest amount of time....and the thought of that place can give you such a good feeling....although that may not be what you were trying to get at in this write...that's what i got out of it....and its so true.....i love're an awsome wrtiter....
goodbye forever,