With you

with me came the taste, the taste better than wisdom

the sole thoughts of an unquiet soul

trying to smoke the clouds

with me came the drink, the drink better than liquid

the full throb of an untamed heart

trying to sip the ocean

with me came the sounds, the sounds better than music

the blasting beats of irritated lips

lips that miss, and so insist that you must visit more

with me came the scent, the scent better than heaven

the alluring aroma of interested  thighs

trying to calm the sighs

with me came the touch, the touch better than skin

the simple stroke through the beaten bones

of the hands that feel through storms

with me came the sights, the sights better than color

the vibrant dreams of a blinded eye

that can only see you...

with me

View indngirl31's Full Portfolio
Saxon Mitchell's picture

Well I have read everyting uner this file now. Sorry I didn't crit every one in turn but that's alot of writing. And I do have poems to post myself. Don't want stiff fingers. Though these poems are almost enough to do that to a person. It's great stuff and gets a persons blood flowing. Keep up the good work

Brady Thompson's picture

A very sensual poem. It seems very personal and that it what I look for in a good poem. I also like the flow and the theme.. very good!

//Brady the Unworthy one.

Michael Record's picture

I have little to say except - very sweet and very sensual. ;0)

phil_carcione's picture


I like this the best of all you have posted here. I'm not usually a fan of repeating a phrase like you do in this piece but it works here. At least for me.
