Heaven is glorified sleep paralysis
Rise with god my child
Your toes pointing east
Is it vandalism if its symbols of peace
Brief serenity from mortal pains
the words of god in spray paint
So it may fall brick by brick like
expelled angels,
resumption nears
You won’t need your shoes where we’re going
The trumpet‘s calling
I like the line It is
I like the line It is vandalism if its symbol is peace. If feels that way in this day and age.
The Trumpet
Has been blowing since I was around nine - I ignore it, but some graffiti is really cool artwork. Sleep as little deaths (Shakespeare I think).":D
"Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleeve of care, The death of each day's life..."
I just hope
I just hope you aren't suffering from any physical ailment. Best wishes & God bless
Just musing of leaving an
Just musing of leaving an inferior body behind. Bless.
Let your teeth show