Rosewood Marionettes (Part One)

Words trickle from open lips and fall on the earless

Rashly spilling out and ceasing exchanges unceremoniously

Flushed, they hold funerals for their faces 

Walking away with a puppets gait and red fingertips 

Wishing this crowd - or the ground - would engulf them 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is #80! 

View incompl's Full Portfolio
allets's picture

Cool Poem

Loved each line, read it 3x :D. Congratulations on #80! ~allets~



Incompl's picture

Thank you so much, I am

Thank you so much, I am amazed that I have 80 pieces. Wherever I go, I know they are here waiting for me to look over them once again. I'm working on a Puppet poem series. They are whimsical and fun to write about! I always look forward to hearing from you. I am finally able to start writing more. Thanks again. 

Let your teeth show