I'm Sorry

Hard Times

How can I say this to you

What exactly should I do?

I made a big mistake

I can’t handle someone new

I’m sorry that I said yes

I’m sorry we went out

I know that it’s not right

All I feel is doubt

I don’t want to break your heart

I don’t want to make you sad

I’m sorry I met your family

Your sister, mom and dad

I’m sorry that I led you on

You deserve much better than just me

Someone who cares for you

Someone with you they want to be

So again I’ll say I’m sorry

I just knew it wasn’t right

Knew it wouldn’t work

Not even was a might!

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megan's picture

lmao i kno who thats for!! hahah

Brian's picture

that's a good way to let someone down, but i have to say, that was kind of brutal of you at then end when you say "Knew it wouldn’t work Not even was a might!". i think the person would've felt bad enough without that last blow to their ego. just a thought, nothing bad meant by it.
