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Silence of the Lamb


Have you had a moment?

When you are in the deep embrace

Of silence

That connects the night and the day

Like the oceans connect the continents

Where you only want to feel

Just getting dissolved in it

Like sugar in warm coffee




Like sandal wood ground in water

The feeling of awareness of being

A tiny being in the vast expanse of the universe

Of how our desires and dreams

Buffered with lots of frustrations and hassles

Become huge vitamin tablets

Presenting us to us

And sometimes to others

To other vitamin tablets



And swept away

By random bents on the road

Like a sudden encounter in person on in the web

Or in an accident in a highway

Or in an arranged marriage

The life takes a whole new path

Becoming a self created mural

An abstract one

An inkblot

A resource for interpretation

Speculation, adulation or indignation.



March 14, 2014

Title Comments Views Updated Posted
1 The Spring Break 326 2015/05/10 9 years ago
2 The Silence of the Lamb 257 2014/03/15 10 years ago