I fell so confused yet you ridicule me for being me
Cant you understand I am who I am, you cant change me!
Get a life and stop making me feel small.
I will never be like you. At least I know who I am!
I am who you will never be; I blame myself for my faults.
So dont think I am slapping you in the face and betraying you.
I will never betray my team. My team, you should know what I mean.
You are family, which comes first, but to betray a team thats wrong.
Open your eyes. Dont think I cant see for myself.
You cant hold me responsible if you go against the grain to help me.
You cant blame your self for this. You must understand that I am who I am.
You never truly believed in me. Or did you?
Pushing me around and hating me for slapping your face.
Take a chill pill and wake up. This job is good for me.
I cant be what I dont know. I am not all mighty and knowledgeable.
So let me walk with my own two feet!
And dont tell me how to raise my family to where we need to be.
I know where we need to be without you pushing us around and telling us what to do!