Your a coward

You're a coward,

And I can't believe.

You would give me a note,

And then just leave.

I open it up,

And I'm acutally shocked.

You want to go with your friends,

Going back on your previous talk.

You w ant me,

To go to the prom alone.

After we've promised each other,

We'd go together and not stay at home.

You're a coward,

So weak and yellow-bellied.

Your heart so courageless,

And is you spine made of jelly?

You broke your promise,

And I hope you cry.

When you get to the prom,

I hope you'll embarrassly sigh.

Cause you'll have no one,

to dance with some stupid shrew.

And I'll laugh when that happens,

And I'll walk right past you.

You're a coward,

You wonder why any one ,with you, won't dance.

Its because of your face,

Looks like it was attacked by ants.

I can't believe,

What I saw in you.

It makes me think of,

Taking a trip to the zoo.

Your face so pale,

So nasty and plain.

You comments and you dark unreflecting eyes,

Drive me insane.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm gonig to some one  to the dance. Amanda thanks alot. This is to rachel. I've written my best poems cause of her. We were bf and gf but she kept on asking to say it again and or what did i say. really annoying . She made me feel special but hey things some tiems dont work out.
ya so the new poems aboutr rachel are comnig up so BEWARE! MMMMWaaHaHaHa

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Matt Pullen's picture

Awesome poem dude. I really liked the part that said:

"You wonder why any one ,with you, won't dance.
Its because of your face,
Looks like it was attacked by ants."

Great stuff. Keep writing!