I Can't

Love Poetry

I can't stand,

When you stand near me.

I can't be,

When your being with me.

I can't see,

When you cover my eyes with your hands.

I can't walk,

when you walk in front of me.

Why am I so afraid

Of you loving me.

I can't return

The favor baby.

I can't stand

When you stand in front of me.

I can't hold,

your hand when your holding mine.

I can't kiss you

When your kissing me.

I can't miss you,

When your missing me.

I can't wave goodbye,

When your waving at me.

I can't be there for you,

When your there for me.

Why am I so afraid

Of you loving me.

I can't return

The favor baby.

I can't stand

When you stand in front of me.

I can't stand,

I can't be.

I can't walk,

I can't see.

I can't hold,

I can't kiss.

I can't wave,

I can't miss.

I wish I can walk,

I wish I can see.

I wish I can stand,

I wish I can be.

I wish I can wave,

I wish I can miss.

I wish I can hold,

I wish I can kiss.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is one of my songs that why its so repeative. Word

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sally's picture

God damn amazing. I would like you to perform this for me. It will be one of my goals before I die. :P

So true as well...I can never get words out so clearly.

Tiffany N.'s picture

I like that a lot. A lot.