I love you
So, so much.
I love you untill
Always & Forever
You are,
the most beautiful thing
I have ever seen
in my entire life.
Everytime I see you
Walking towards me
With open arms
It litterally
Takes my breath away.
When we touch
I have a feeling
Of electricity that,
Courses through my body
And clouds my mind.
When we kiss
Whether it be forceful
Or sweet
I feel at peace.
Brittany Nicole Webb
I love you
So freaking much
With all my heart
Always & Forever
You are
And always will be
The girl who fixed my heart
And made fall in love 10x harder.
(: Woah, and you said you
(: Woah, and you said you weren't good that this. Your poems take my breath away, You're amazing. I love you. (:
Haha. I'm really not that good.(: And yours are AMAZING as well babe!(: I love you too.