The arctic

Sorry I don't mean to be rude and really I have no shame. I feel this world like it's a part of myself. Fuck, I cannot help but relate. Talking and flashbacks. Like "G, yea that used to be me." Fast forward I'm watching tv. Play with my Jimmy and then go to sleep. On par with these angels or demons you'd think that I am Constantine. Kept me sedated with weed. How long will that be. You don't want to hear it so fuck it, It's written teach you to survive so that we don't go back to the pyramids. That's where it's headed. You think that the wealthy are better. A world with no morals will not be allowed when it's time to reset it. Last time they hid underground but this time they'll be hunted down. Welcome to the arctic.

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Dear writer

      I do not mean to critizize your poem but genre of poem if actually called a Prose. If you fix how the spacing is written then there for it would be an organic poem (I belive) but none the less classified as a poem. Thank you for the considerarion.


J. Rodriguez


J. Rodriguez