
I turn the lights on, but everything stays dim.

I turn blue from no air, but gasping does not help.

I should be off doing things I am not aware of.

I should move, but I don't quite know where to. 

I take off but keep moving in circles instead of

forgetting what needs to be forgotten.


I remember all the times together,

I remember a drunken haze, and you in my veins

I knew you were scared of whom I became.

I knew you expected to be disappointed.

I guess you saw me for what I was. Pity

I still don't know who you are.

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allets's picture

Powerful Play

Loved the ending. Loved the middle and the beginning wasn't too shabby. There is so much drama in your outpouring offerings - Lady A



Hyphen_'s picture

Thanks, I am most moved by

Thanks, I am most moved by art if it is very tragic.

And at this point in my life - my life seems to imitate the art I love. Therefore, the drama. 

I am glad you like it. I changed it around a bit though, seems more natural to me now.