Untitled 32

you have a life

i'm that silly girl who wants what she can't have

i was just a game

i want to keep playing though

you are ready to move on to bigger and better things

it's funny

how i look at you now

i wish things were the same as before

they're not

but i won't believe till you tell me

till you tell me to stop

it's over

how did we used to joke?

you're serious

i'm left in my juvenile college lurch

so what?

can't you find in me

what you once saw

i dare you to look again

you talk about yourself

i don't care

i listen so intently i almost fall out of my chair

as each words drawls

just waiting

to hear one word that may affect me

may raise my level of importance to you

from here

to here

you seemed so free then

now it's uptight

no fun no games

just business

and straight faces

and sidelong glances

that are a secret to everyone but me

do you look at me

am i just another face in the room?

do you see me

as you did?

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oh jac.