here is the poem you asked for
it's a beautiful day and i'm feeling southern comfortable
and so are larry and marlo thomas & friends
just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now
itch it good, thieve that shit just like you should
my hair may be everywhere
but if you take ectasy, you will tilt
and maybe pee
on me
it will dry in the sauna or i will wash your pants
in our laundry service
you recruit, i clean
we can take pictures of it
and you can mooch them
i don't get it?
are you or aren't you?
i can't hear your voice
but i can hear fert's messages, the voice of the printer, and your rape whistle
unlock our door for once
come find me
i'm hiding under my covers
This poem is a masterpiece. Not only does it include a sexy bitch and a wierd blanket molester but it includes our good friend Marlo Thomas... and his friends too. I would recomend this poem to anyone who wants to be very confused.. and perhaps scared .. for tis only a roomie who can behold the prodigious (yeah big word!!) bond that comes with being trapped in a rectangular box, with at first a total stranger, for a good 5 months. You are an awesome roomate (and mom!). I don't know what I would have done without your woolite or my dictionary for these past months! I am glad to have gotten the chance to get to know you and will miss you loads in Spain. Just remember.. "in this land every girl grows to be her own woman!" Love, That sexy bitch